I live in Gothenburg.
I'm poet and writer. Published four books of poetry and short stories in Russian, and one in Sweedish, which can be found in the library of Göteborg.
My poems online: http://www.stihi.ru/avtor/verastrem
My short stories in Russian: http://www.proza.ru/avtor/voskon
My photos
Traveled extensively and familiar with different cultures.
I have education in the field of culture, music and art. Have a numerous of the international awards in the field of human rights.
Writer, lawyer
I can speak several languages:
- Russian (native language)
- Swedish
- English
- Polish
- http://rfkhumanrights.fryshuset.se/files/2013/09/Mod-utan-gr%C3%A4nser_Kompendium_Vera-Stremkovskaja_Webb.pdf
- http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wera_Stramkouskaja
Help in Sweden in Russian:
- Courses in Russian language, literature and culture
- Lectures on Russian art and culture, history, and philosophy
Help in Sweden on English and Swedish:
- Courses of Russian language, literature and culture
- Lectures of Russian art and culture, history, and philosophy